96 research outputs found

    Inductive types in the Calculus of Algebraic Constructions

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    In a previous work, we proved that an important part of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions (CIC), the basis of the Coq proof assistant, can be seen as a Calculus of Algebraic Constructions (CAC), an extension of the Calculus of Constructions with functions and predicates defined by higher-order rewrite rules. In this paper, we prove that almost all CIC can be seen as a CAC, and that it can be further extended with non-strictly positive types and inductive-recursive types together with non-free constructors and pattern-matching on defined symbols.Comment: Journal version of TLCA'0

    Computability Closure: Ten Years Later

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    The notion of computability closure has been introduced for proving the termination of higher-order rewriting with first-order matching by Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Mitsuhiro Okada in a 1997 draft which later served as a basis for the author's PhD. In this paper, we show how this notion can also be used for dealing with beta-normalized rewriting with matching modulo beta-eta (on patterns \`a la Miller), rewriting with matching modulo some equational theory, and higher-order data types (types with constructors having functional recursive arguments). Finally, we show how the computability closure can easily be turned into a reduction ordering which, in the higher-order case, contains Jean-Pierre Jouannaud and Albert Rubio's higher-order recursive path ordering and, in the first-order case, is equal to the usual first-order recursive path ordering

    (HO)RPO Revisited

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    The notion of computability closure has been introduced for proving the termination of the combination of higher-order rewriting and beta-reduction. It is also used for strengthening the higher-order recursive path ordering. In the present paper, we study in more details the relations between the computability closure and the (higher-order) recursive path ordering. We show that the first-order recursive path ordering is equal to an ordering naturally defined from the computability closure. In the higher-order case, we get an ordering containing the higher-order recursive path ordering whose well-foundedness relies on the correctness of the computability closure. This provides a simple way to extend the higher-order recursive path ordering to richer type systems

    Termination of rewrite relations on λ\lambda-terms based on Girard's notion of reducibility

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    In this paper, we show how to extend the notion of reducibility introduced by Girard for proving the termination of β\beta-reduction in the polymorphic λ\lambda-calculus, to prove the termination of various kinds of rewrite relations on λ\lambda-terms, including rewriting modulo some equational theory and rewriting with matching modulo β\betaη\eta, by using the notion of computability closure. This provides a powerful termination criterion for various higher-order rewriting frameworks, including Klop's Combinatory Reductions Systems with simple types and Nipkow's Higher-order Rewrite Systems

    A point on fixpoints in posets

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    Let (X,)(X,\le) be a {\em non-empty strictly inductive poset}, that is, a non-empty partially ordered set such that every non-empty chain YY has a least upper bound lub(Y)X(Y)\in X, a chain being a subset of XX totally ordered by \le. We are interested in sufficient conditions such that, given an element a0Xa_0\in X and a function f:X\a X, there is some ordinal kk such that ak+1=aka_{k+1}=a_k, where a_ka\_k is the transfinite sequence of iterates of ff starting from a0a_0 (implying that aka_k is a fixpoint of ff): \begin{itemize}\itemsep=0mm \item ak+1=f(ak)a_{k+1}=f(a_k) \item a_l=\lub\{a_k\mid k \textless{} l\} if ll is a limit ordinal, i.e. l=lub(l)l=lub(l) \end{itemize} This note summarizes known results about this problem and provides a slight generalization of some of them

    Definitions by Rewriting in the Calculus of Constructions

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    The main novelty of this paper is to consider an extension of the Calculus of Constructions where predicates can be defined with a general form of rewrite rules. We prove the strong normalization of the reduction relation generated by the beta-rule and the user-defined rules under some general syntactic conditions including confluence. As examples, we show that two important systems satisfy these conditions: a sub-system of the Calculus of Inductive Constructions which is the basis of the proof assistant Coq, and the Natural Deduction Modulo a large class of equational theories.Comment: Best student paper (Kleene Award

    Combining typing and size constraints for checking the termination of higher-order conditional rewrite systems

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    In a previous work, the first author extended to higher-order rewriting and dependent types the use of size annotations in types, a termination proof technique called type or size based termination and initially developed for ML-like programs. Here, we go one step further by considering conditional rewriting and explicit quantifications and constraints on size annotations. This allows to describe more precisely how the size of the output of a function depends on the size of its inputs. Hence, we can check the termination of more functions. We first give a general type-checking algorithm based on constraint solving. Then, we give a termination criterion with constraints in Presburger arithmetic. To our knowledge, this is the first termination criterion for higher-order conditional rewriting taking into account the conditions in termination

    Automated verification of termination certificates

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    In order to increase user confidence, many automated theorem provers provide certificates that can be independently verified. In this paper, we report on our progress in developing a standalone tool for checking the correctness of certificates for the termination of term rewrite systems, and formally proving its correctness in the proof assistant Coq. To this end, we use the extraction mechanism of Coq and the library on rewriting theory and termination called CoLoR

    Elements of mathematics and logic for computer program analysis

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    1 Introduction 2 Induction and sequences 2.1 Induction on natural numbers 2.2 Words and sequences 2.3 A digression on set theory 2.4 Induction on words 2.5 Grammar rules and string rewriting 3 Terms 3.1 Definition of terms 3.2 Knaster-Tarski's fixpoint theorem (1927) 3.3 Kleene's fixpoint theorem (1952?) 3.4 Pattern matching and term rewriting 3.5 Models of a term algebra 4 Lambda-calculus 4.1 Definition of λ-calculus 4.2 Church-computable functions 4.3 Kleene-computable functions 4.4 Turing-computable functions 5 Simply-typed lambda-calculus 5.1 Curry-style simply-typed λ-calculus . 5.2 Unification 5.3 Type inference 5.4 Church-style simply-typed λ-calculus 6 First-order logic 6.1 Formulas and truth 6.2 Provability and deduction systems 6.3 Proof terms and Curry-Howard correspondence 7 To go further 8 Solutions to exercises 8.1 Section 2: Induction and sequences 8.2 Section 3: Terms 8.3 Section 4: Lambda-calculus 8.4 Section 5: Simply-typed lambda-calculus 8.5 Section 6: First-order logicMasterIn order to be able to rigorously prove the correctness of a program, one must have a formal definition of: what is a program, syntactically; how it is evaluated, that is, what is its semantics; how to formulate the properties we are interested in; and how to prove them. All this requires to understand some basic mathematical notions like induction, terms, formulas, deduction, etc. These notes are intended to give an introduction to some of these notions